Kathak Indian Dance Workshop


with Lisa Pellegrini

December 1, 4pm-6pm: Workshop on Kathak-Yoga, which originates from the fusion between the vibrant energy of Kathak (classical dance from northern India) and the meditative aspects of Yoga. The body moves following a pattern of rythm syllables, the breath flows at a steady pace, the mind is focused and silent, away everyday thoughts.

This practice of focusing in movement brings great benefits to body and mind. The workshop is open to everyone, no previous experience required. 

Number of participants admitted: 3-6

Fee: €30

Info and registration: Lisa Pellegrini – ph: (+39) 349.7946214 – email: LisettaPi@libero.it

Lisa Pellegrini is a Kathak teacher and professional performer. She studied this classical dance form in Italy as well as abroad, mainly in India; she is a member of the West Bengal Dance Federation (India).